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A Beginner’s Guide to MMA Betting Online


Mixed Martial Arts - MMA GuideWhen he lost to Khabib Nurmagomedov in 2018, Connor McGregor’s pride shrunk, but his bank account got much bigger. He cashed in over $50 million from that bout alone!  There are literally billions of dollars in this sport and you can get your share of it. No, we’re not saying you should get into the Octagon. We’re saying you should give MMA betting a try!

Brief History of MMA

Since time immemorial, people have been punching and kicking one other. Sometimes for the sake of war, sometimes just for fun. Even at the Ancient Olympics, combat sports were present in the form of Pankration. Still, it took more than two millennia for MMA to become the sport as we know it today.

It was 1993 when the phrase ‘mixed martial arts’ (MMA) was first used. It was used to describe UFC 1: The Beginning, the first Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) event in history.

Over the years, MMA has grown to become one of the most popular sports in the world, and its popularity is likely to get even bigger, meaning that now is the right time to get involved!

MMA Terms to Remember

MMA is a universe of its own, with its own unique lingo. Listening to MMA commentary could sound like gibberish to you. With that in mind, here’s a little glossary to help you get your MMA journey started on the right foot.

Weight Classes

A fighter weighing 115lb would stand no chance against a 265lb giant, which is why there are different weight classes in MMA. There are 14 weight divisions when male fighters are concerned and four women’s classes. Men’s super-heavyweight is the only division which has no upper weight limit.


Two fighters can face one another only if they belong in the same weight division. This is why the weigh-ins take place a day before the fight. 


Experienced MMA bettors never make their wagers until they see how the fighters behave at the face-offs. There are many signs you can spot by observing the two fighters face one another before the fight. Many of the fighters believe this is the way to intimidate the opponent. Connor McGregor reportedly has staring contests with his team to get ready for face-offs.

Fighting Style

As the name of this sport suggests, it’s a mix of several martial arts. Fighters can use techniques derived from all sorts of combat sports, including boxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, wrestling, judo, etc. Each fighting style has its own strengths and weaknesses, so getting to know them can help you a lot with MMA betting.

Types of MMA Bets

MMA Online Betting GuideYou can’t bet on MMA unless you know what to bet on.  Here are some of the most popular types of bets in this sport:

  • Moneyline betting – This is the wager that all the MMA sportsbooks have in their offer.  You simply bet on which fighter is going to win the fight.
  • Round Betting (Over/Under) – MMA fights can have up to five rounds, each lasting for five minutes. You can bet on whether the fight will end before or after a certain point of the match.
  • Will the Fight go the Distance? – Bet that the fight will go the distance if you think both fighters will manage to finish the fight on their feet once the final bell rings. Basically, it means that the fight will not finish in knockout or submission.
  • Method of Victory – The fight can go the distance and be decided by points. It can also end earlier, either by KO (proper knockout or technical knockout) or submission.
  • Decision Betting – When the fight goes the distance, it’s up to the three judges to declare the winner. It can be a unanimous decision (all three judges vote the same), split-decision (two judges score one fighter, the third judge votes in favor of the second fighter), and majority decision (two judges score one fighter, the third scores a draw).

Do's and Don'ts of MMA Betting

Always remember that the MMA is a one-on-one combat sport.

  • If a fighter has a bad day, he has no teammates to cover up for him. A lucky punch can be enough to end the fight. Anyone can beat anyone in the MMA, which is one of the biggest thrills of this sport.  
  • The only way to make money off MMA betting is to do thorough research before placing any bets. Quite often, some seemingly irrelevant details can mean all the difference.
  • We’re talking about things like the fighters’ head-to-head stats, ranking, their age, recent form, and even the location of the event. All these factors can mean the difference between a winning and a losing bet.

What Events to Bet On?

UFC, a.k.a. Ultimate Fight Championship, is by far the most popular MMA promotion. You can think of it as the competition where the world’s best fighters are pitted against each other.

Bellator is just behind, but its popularity is growing exponentially. Although it’s thought of as not as spectacular as the UFC, this championship is highly regarded by die-hard MMA fans.

Another competition worth your attention is the ONE Championship, a promotion with a huge fan base in Asia. What’s the UFC in America, the ONE Championship is in Asia. Although it’s still far less popular than UFC on the global stage, its reputation is growing constantly.

MMA Betting for Real Money

Online MMA betting can give you the eye of the tiger and it can give you the thrill of the fight, but, you mustn’t let yourself get carried away. There’s no room for emotions when betting on mixed martial arts. Instead, do your research, even if it requires more time than you’ve expected.

At first, you might find it exhausting, but once you fall in love with this sport, you’re going to cherish every moment of your betting research. And the best thing is that this way, you’re going to increase your chances of bashing the MMA bookies.

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